8.5.2009 | 11:48
Kęri herra Graham Brady: christies-and-k-singer-friedlander.
TO: Mr.Graham Brady,
member of parliament
Dear Mr.Graham Brady:
I am an Icelandic citizen and like so many citizens from both my country and the UK, I am absolutely appalled by the havoc irresponsible bankers have wrought on our societies. I am also extremely bothered by the lack of regulatory supervision by the Icelandic banking regulatory authorities that helped create our crisis.I am writing you today to bring a serious matter to your attention. The campaign to recover the funds for the cancer charity at Christies has all my support as news of great financial loss by various charities, research funds and universities that did business with Landsbankis IceSave and Kaupthing Singer & Friedlander has saddened me.
It was nevertheless quite disturbing to witness the UK Prime Ministers response to your question in the House of Commons where he implied that the UK regulatory authorities were not responsible in the Christie case. Mr. Brown said: The fact is we are not the regulatory authority. This is false.
Christies business was with Kaupthing Singer & Friedlander, a bank that was under UK regulatory authority and was regulated by the FSA. This is
clearly stated in the Treasury Committee report dated 04/04/09:
Kaupthing Singer & Friedlander was a subsidiary of Kaupthing Bank hf, and
was therefore regulated by the FSA, and covered by the UK depositor
protection scheme, the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS).
(From Treasury Committee - Fifth Report:
http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm200809/cmselect/cmtreasy/402/40202.htm ).
It is a serious matter if the PM deliberately lies to the House of Commons about this basic fact. In his reply to your excellent question he is shuns responsibility and blames the Icelandic authorities for harming a Charity that is by law protected by the UK authorities. This particular case has nothing to do with Iceland, the Icelandic government, the Icelandic people or the IMF.
I sincerely hope that you will address this issue again with the PM in the House of Commons.
The entire population of Iceland is suffering greatly because of reckless bankers, as are other citizens in the world. We are ashamed of the people who caused our collapse and directly affected us and UK citizens, businesses and government bodies.
We are nevertheless not to blame for the Christie travesty. Prime Minister Brown will need to be confronted and take responsibility in the tragic Christy case.
Sigurdur Runarsson Beck
Citizen of Iceland
Brown vķsaši allri įbyrgš į Ķslendinga | |
Tilkynna um óvišeigandi tengingu viš frétt |
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Frįbęrt framtak hjį žér aš semja og senda žetta bréf!!
Tvęr athugasemdir žó. Žś hefšir mįtt bęta žvķ viš aš ólķklegt er aš Kaupžing hefši falliš ef ekki hefši veriš fyrir ašgeršir breska rķkisins, sem aš nafninu til snerust gegn Landsbankanum en réšust einnig į Kaupžing sem féll žvķ ķ kjölfariš.
Annaš er aš ekki er hęgt aš kenna ķslensku regluverki alfariš um žvķ žaš var tekiš beint upp śr ESB reglugeršum um fjįrmįlamarkaši. Aušvitaš hefšu ķslensk stjórnvöld įtt aš įtta sig į aš slķk "one-zise-fits-all" hentar ekki ķslenskum ašstęšum og mun aldrei gera.
Höskuldur (IP-tala skrįš) 8.5.2009 kl. 14:26
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